The Sad Love Triangle That Is The Clinton-Warren-Sanders Relationship

Hillary loves Liz. Liz loves Bernie. No one loves Hillary.

Earlier this year, Hillary Clinton penned a love letter to Elizabeth Warren in TIME Magazine’s “Top 100 Leaders” issue. Clinton laid it on thick, saying Warren “fights so hard for others to share in the American Dream because she lived it herself.”

Warren, given many, many opportunities to return the favor, has never done so. Last fall when she was asked if Clinton was her Party’s “best choice” for president, Warren dodged.

And when asked if she differs with Clinton on key issues, Warren said Clinton needed to clarify her position on trade.

But when asked about Clinton rival Bernie Sanders, Warren gushed:

“Bernie’s out talking about the issues that the American people want to hear about,” Warren, who has yet to endorse a candidate, told the Boston Herald for a story published Tuesday.

“These are people who care about these issues, and that’s who Bernie’s reaching,” she said. “I love what Bernie is talking about. I think all the presidential candidates should be out talking about the big issues.”

Despite her best efforts, Clinton just can’t seem to win over a wing of her Party she desperately needs.