NY Daily News: On Hillary Clinton’s income inequality plan, de Blasio pauses — and GOPers pounce

While de Blasio offered effusive praise for Clinton’s speech this week on attacking voter disenfranchisement — “I think it was an inspired proposal; I give her a lot of credit” — in the selfsame radio interview,Republicans have widely retorted that her comments were divisive and purely partisan.

A Clinton spokesman declined comment, but the America Rising PAC, which plugs itself as dedicated to “exposing the truth about Democrats” through tracking and research, had no such reservations.

“Based on his recent words and actions, Bill de Blasio seems as unimpressed with Hillary Clinton’s campaign as everyone else in America. It doesn’t seem like he’s in any hurry to lend his former boss a hand, which is highly ironic given their long and close history,” said PAC spokesman Jeff Bechdel.

“While Clinton struggles to connect with so-called ‘everyday Americans’ because of her ongoing scandals, vast wealth, and insulated campaign, de Blasio is standing idly by as Clinton watches her poll numbers continue to plummet,” Bechdel said.

Alluding to Clinton’s upcoming June 13 kickoff, he added, “No wonder her campaign has decided they need to officially hit the ‘reset’ button at Roosevelt Island – less than two months in, they haven’t even convinced their close allies that Hillary Clinton should be president.”

Read more at NY Daily News.