“Miserly,” “Repulsive” – Die-Hard Hillary Clinton Fan Blasts Campaign For Not Paying Full-Time Staff

In a USA Today column, Carolyn Osorio blasts the Clinton campaign’s practice of not paying staff or interns. Osorio isn’t anti-Hillary – she’s probably one of Clinton’s biggest fans. She says she “slept in a Hillary for President T-shirt for most of 2007, cried when she conceded to Barack Obama, railed at Congress during the Benghazi hearings and was an early follower of Texts from Hillary.”

When Hillary Clinton announced she was running for president, Osorio applied to work as a Hillary for America fellow. “I couldn’t have been more excited until I was told I’d have to move to Nevada and work full time on my own dime.”

“I couldn’t believe my ears. I did not apply as a routine volunteer but as a fellow. Its application process with an elaborate screening and interview process was now revealed to be an ugly lie. If Hillary hopes to inspire young people, to prove she understands our interests she should offer substance to earn our votes.”

Osorio notes that while her campaign’s cheapness is being praised, it’s actually pretty “miserly.”

“For a woman whom I supported to demand this of me felt repulsive. Forget arguments about raising the minimum wage. I can’t even get a wage.”

Osorio isn’t alone. Clinton’s 2016 campaign has a history of not paying staff.

Keep in mind:

– Bill and Hillary Clinton made $30 million between January 2014 and May 2015, mostly in paid speeches to places like universities.

– The Clinton campaign is a $2.5 BILLION dollar endeavor.

– Hillary Clinton thought having 2 mansions was the same as being “dead broke.”

– While Clinton’s staff work in Brooklyn, she keeps to Manhattan.

But expecting an unpaid staffer to move to another state and work full time for free? No big deal.

Hillary Clinton Jokeyman