Illinois Democrats Support Obamacare Despite Soaring Premium Increases

Yesterday, the Chicago Tribune reported that health insurance premiums could rise more than 30 percent in 2016 for some individuals under certain health insurers and possibly even further in 2017.

“Insurers’ requests in Illinois appear to follow a trend of higher-than-expected increases across the country, as companies adjust to the population they’ve signed up under the Affordable Care Act, often called Obamacare.”

However, several Illinois Democrats have not shied away from their support of ObamaCare over the years:

Brad Schneider, IL-10 candidate:

“I support the overall direction of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and I believe we need to continually work to reform our national health care system to achieve two broad goals.”

“I’m working to move it forward. It’s a step in the right direction.”

Rep. Bill Foster (IL-11):

“I voted for ObamaCare after reading the bill from end to end.”

Foster “also said he doesn’t regret helping President Obama pass healthcare legislation.”

Rep. Cheri Bustos (IL-17):

ObamaCare “but makes real improvements in our health care system.”


With the news of these disastrous costs for Illinois residents, do these Democrats still stand by Obamacare with unwavering support?