Event For Tots “Imagination Playground” CANCELLED To Accommodate Hillary Clinton’s 2nd Campaign Launch

Not The Onion.

The New York Post reports that in order to accommodate Hillary Clinton’s second campaign launch (her campaign is acting like her first launch in April didn’t count?), a children’s event is being cancelled.

“According to the park’s website, a specially planned event for tots called Imagination Playground — which features unique blue building blocks — has been canceled to accommodate the Democratic frontrunner for president.”

That’s not all.

“Also at risk of major inconvenience: an annual celebration called Roosevelt Island Day, which features a blood drive, hot dog stands and free rides for kids.”

Here’s what residents are saying:

“It’s going to be horrendous, logistically” – Sherie Helstien, vice president of the island’s community association
“I think the campaign should have reached out to the community representatives of 14,000 people — absolutely,” – Matthew Katz, former president of the association, and husband of Helstien. He noted residents received no notice from the Clinton camp.
“We are not just a memorial and a park. We’re a thriving community of 14,000 people. It’s just tone-deaf to ignore that,” – Katz

Read the full article at the New York Post.