This week’s version of Politico Caucus includes a barrage of stinging criticism of Hillary Clinton’s campaign from Democrats in both New Hampshire and Iowa.
“Twenty-plus Republicans beating her up, Elizabeth Warren talking about the working man issues that terrify her, a couple of candidates like Bernie [Sanders] and Martin [O’Malley] to fill in her policy blanks and a media that feels stiffed by her lack of access, so all we can focus on is emails and the notorious Clinton Foundation and newly acquired wealth that suggests, at a minimum, the appearance of impropriety,” one Granite State Democrat said, offering an explanation for her sinking favorability. “Frankly if Hillary could step back at look at herself she would rate herself unfavorably as well.”
“She is not proactively addressing the issues of concern to Americans,” said an Iowa Democrat who, like everyone in the POLITICO Caucus, was granted anonymity in order to speak freely. “Her refusal to take questions is taking a toll. These polls indicate that she needs to take a more proactive role. Not that she needs to be completely responsive to the media, but she can’t ignore them.”
Another New Hampshire Democrat, who believes the Clinton campaign should be concerned about the polls, explained, “Hillary Clinton generates extremely strong passions, both positive and negative. She needs to be completely candid and transparent about the [Clinton] Foundation’s dealings and accomplishments and cannot engage in either spin or obfuscation.
“There is almost “forced” excitement from establishment types trying to sell the Clinton brand as the perfect standard bearer for rank and file Democrats,” said one New Hampshire Democrat. “In New Hampshire, there does not appear to be a barrage of new Clinton supporters; rather, just the usual Clinton supporters.”