Clinton Surrogates Are Worried About Sanders

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), a highly touted Hillary Clinton surrogate, appeared on Morning Joe today to attack Clinton challenger Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and his growing support in early primary states.

McCaskill, when asked if the new Bloomberg Politics poll showing Sanders gaining ground in Iowa and New Hampshire was cause for concern, responded:

“No I think the media is giving Bernie a pass right now. I very rarely read in any coverage of Bernie that he is a Socialist. I think that everybody wants a fight and I think they are not giving the same scrutiny to Bernie Sanders that they are giving to certainly Hillary Clinton and the other candidates.”

It seems that the 2008 collapse of then front-runner Clinton is still fresh in her surrogates’ minds.

The Bloomberg Politics poll shows Sanders up 8 points in Iowa and up 6 points in New Hampshire since May.