Bill de Blasio Continues To Throw Shade At Hillary Clinton

New York City Mayor and former Hillary Clinton campaign manager Bill de Blasio apparently has no qualms throwing shade at Hillary Clinton for not articulating clear policy positions, particularly on the issue of income inequality. New York Daily News reporter Celeste Katz reported on de Blasio today:

This is not the first time the mayor has rained on Clinton’s parade. On her first presidential announcement day (there will be at least 3 when all is said and done), he went on Meet The Press and refused to endorse Clinton. That snub got front page treatment in the local New York papers.

It’s unclear what kind of strain this has put on Clinton and de Blasio’s relationship, but to date, Clinton has refused to sign on to the mayor’s “Progressive Agenda to Combat Income Inequality,” which is championed by Elizabeth Warren and the far-left wing of the party.