60 New Benghazi Emails Discovered

Ahead of his appearance before the House Select Committee on Benghazi today, Sidney Blumenthal, a friend to both Bill and Hillary Clinton, turned over 60 new emails that were conspicuously missing from the batch provided by Hillary Clinton and the State Department, raising even more questions about Clinton’s private server.

The New York Times reports:

Emails that a longtime confidant to Hillary Rodham Clinton recently handed over to the House committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, raise new questions about whether the State Department and Mrs. Clinton have complied with a series of requests from the panel. …

It is not clear whether the State Department possesses the emails between Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Blumenthal and did not hand them over. It is also possible that Mrs. Clinton never provided them to the department and deleted them off the server that housed the personal account she used exclusively
when she was secretary of state.

Blumenthal will testify today about emails he sent to Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State. In one email to Clinton, Blumenthal blamed the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attack on a video, but in a follow-up email called it a terrorist attack. The emails surrounding the Benghazi attack were part of a larger collection of memos Blumenthal sent to Clinton when she was Secretary of State.

Blumenthal Screen Shot

Notably, Blumenthal is reported to have “no expertise in Libya,” only having business in the country that “stood to benefit from contracts from the post-Qaddafi government.”

As more speculation surrounding Hillary Clinton’s private server and how seriously she took her correspondence with Blumenthal develops, Clinton’s missteps on Libya continue to pile up.