Illinois Senate Race Gets Crowded For Democrats

Illinois Senate candidate Tammy Duckworth faces steep competition as new faces crowd the Democratic primary.

In addition to Duckworth, top Democrats are not-so-secretly recruiting Urban League President and CEO Andrea Zopp to run for Senate. Yesterday the Chicago Sun Times reported top Dems’ excitement about Zopp’s “great” potential:

“Sneed also hears former White House chief of staff William Daley, the brother and son of former Chicago mayors — and others — have talked to the uber-credentialed Zopp about being a potential candidate against GOP U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk. ‘Yes, I have talked to her about it and have enormous respect for her, consider her my friend, and think she would be great in government and politics — but I can’t push anybody — anyone to run,’ Daley tells Sneed.”

On top of Duckworth and Zopp, Rep. Robin Kelly is looking to toss her hat in the ring. Just last week Kelly met with the DSCC about a potential run.