Hillary Clinton’s No Good Very Bad Week

It was another rough week for Hillary Clinton and her campaign; it started off in the midst of a 4-week long media black out.

On Tuesday news broke that long time Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal had written a series of memos to then-Secretary Clinton regarding the situation in Libya, which it turns out he was trying to profit from.

This led MSNBC Joe Scarborough to say, “There is always a dollar sign attached somewhere a co-mingling of friendships, state department business and moneymaking, right?”

Later that day Fox News’ Ed Henry dared to ask Hillary Clinton a question, during her Mason City, Iowa stop. The former Sectary was none too happy about this:

Wednesday was a particularly bumpy day for Clinton’s Presidential ambitions.

A Bloomberg focus group of Iowa Democrats couldn’t name a single accomplishment that Hillary Clinton had while serving as Secretary of State. The silence in the room was deafening.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the Clinton State Department, “scrutinized politically sensitive documents requested under public-records law and sometimes blocked their release, according to people with direct knowledge of the activities.”

CNN’s Jeff Zeleny called the report “scathing” and that it was just another sign that transparency would be a dogging issue for her campaign.

Politico also reported that the Clinton Foundation had not properly disclosed donations made by Fred Eychaner’s foundation, the Alphawood Foundation.

On Thursday the New York Times released emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server. According to these emails Sidney Blumenthal sent then-Secretary Clinton a memo regarding the Benghazi terrorist claiming ‘demonstrators’ who were upset over a “sacrilegious internet video on the prophet Mohammed” conducted the attacks.

Clinton forwarded this memo to Jake Sullivan asking for more information about Mr. Blumenthal’s claim.

Later on that day news broke that the Clinton Foundation hadn’t disclosed $26 million of revenue. The New York Times’ Nick Confessore said:

NICK CONFESSORE: Well, the problem here Jose is that they keep being sloppy about this. They sign this agreement and it seems like every week there is a new example of them saying whoops, we actually made a mistake, here’s some more income, here’s some more grants, here’s some more fundraising. So if it’s within the letter of the agreement or not, they keep changing the rules a bit and saying here’s more money, here’s more money. At best it looks very sloppy. It looks like they weren’t taking very seriously the obligations they imposed on themselves back in 2008.

With all these scandals starting to pile on the Clinton campaign, McClatchy published an article highlighting the growing frustration amongst ‘everyday Americans’ with the Clinton “bubble.”

On Friday the State Department released additional emails pertaining to Benghazi. The AP reported that Hillary Clinton received now-classified information about the Benghazi attacks on her private email server. This revelation might contradict Clinton’s claim that she received no classified material on her private email server.

The growing number of scandals seems to have culminated with Clinton’s favorability hitting its lowest point in eight years, according to the Pew Research Center.

The week seems to have taken a toll on Hillary Clinton, who forgot where she was during a New Hampshire campaign event on Friday.