Maggie Hassan Supports Third Worst Tax Climate

Maggie Hassan’s budget is chasing business out of New Hampshire. Under pressure to work with Republicans to cut the state’s high business taxes, Hassan refuses again and again to take on the task.

New Hampshire maintains the third-highest corporate income tax in the nation. Meanwhile, Hassan scoffed at lowering business taxes, saying that lowering taxes won’t “magically grow the economy.”

But driving businesses out of the state certainly won’t grow the state’s economy either.

Today, the Concord Monitor reported that Planet Fitness is threatening to move its corporate headquarters out of the state, potentially costing New Hampshire valuable jobs.

The Union Leader wrote today that Hassan must ” choose between making New Hampshire more economically competitive in the near future or continuing to manage the state’s decline.”

So far Hassan chooses decline, failing to do the work it takes to help New Hampshire businesses and grow jobs.