Everyday Americans And Media Are Getting Annoyed With The Clinton Bubble

An article published by McClatchy highlights how Hillary Clinton’s campaign is more scripted and exists within in a bubble. Anita Kumar points out how orchestrated Clinton’s Mason City, Iowa event was early this week:

She took a private 15-minute tour of a bike shop that had closed for her visit. She spoke to four small business owners chosen by her staff in front of an audience of 20, also chosen by her staff. She answered a few questions from the media following weeks of silence.

Today the Clinton campaign attempted to be spontaneous by turning over its twitter account to a New Hampshire small business owner. It turns out that is even staged according to the Wall Street Journal “tweets are being cleared by campaign staff first.”

It’s not only the media that is growing restless with Clinton 2.0, but now everyday Americans are beginning to notice the Clinton bubble:

“I am troubled that so far in this caucus cycle she hasn’t had any public town halls,” said Chris Schwartz, a liberal activist from Waterloo”

Clinton’s 2016 campaign strategy seems to be one that “does not include town-hall meetings and campaign rallies, media interviews, even public events.”

This is not the first time that it has been pointed out that Hillary Clinton’s campaign events have a staged feeling. During the former Secretaries first trip to New Hampshire WHDH Andy Hiller said, “The way Hillary Clinton is campaigning isn’t real.”

Morning Joe was very critical of Hillary Clinton’s rollout, pointing out a Clinton roundtable participant who was “an Obama campaign intern and Biden chauffeur.”

Joe Scarborough called her first Iowa trip “staged.” While Mike Barnicle pointed out that Hillary Clinton “has been living in a protective cocoon for 30 years.”