By The Numbers: Clinton Emails On Benghazi and Libya

This morning, the New York Times released Hillary Clinton’s emails pertaining to the events surrounding the attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi. To help break down the most important information, America Rising compiled the “by the numbers” rundown below:

24 – Number Of Emails From Sidney Blumenthal To Secretary Clinton

29 – Number Of Times Clinton Forwarded Blumenthal’s Emails To A State Department Staffer:

·      “Get This Around”

·      “Please Print”

·      “FYI”

·      “Please Circulate”

·      “Very Insightful”/ “Very Interesting”

7 – Number Of Times State Department Staff Doubted Sidney Blumenthal

2 – Number Of Emails That Were “Sensitive, But Unclassified”

1 – Number Of Emails In Which Clinton Suggested “Should Consider Passing To Israelis”