The Washington Post: For GOP, ‘Stop Hillary’ campaign begins in earnest

“Perhaps the most bellicose operation within the conservative firmament is America Rising, an anti-Clinton super PAC that has issued a flurry of Freedom of Information Act requests for the State Department and devoted its youthful staff and Arlington, Va., war room to Clinton activities.

Colin Reed, America Rising’s executive director, said the group has trackers — video-camera-toting personnel who haunt the campaign trail searching for the next viral moment — already deployed in the early primary and caucus states, waiting for Clinton.

‘In this 24-7 news cycle where everything moves quickly, it’s only a question of getting footage back and turning it around in real time,’ Reed said. ‘Now that she’s in, she’ll be out and about, and the mission of tracking will be easier than when she wasn’t doing many public events.’”

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