PA Man, Unknown To 63% Of Voters, Raised Paltry $312k In Q1

The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Jonathan Tamari reports that Congressman Joe Sestak’s campaign raised a paltry $312,000 in the first quarter of 2015. Tamari writes:

Joe Sestak, the Democrat trying to unseat Sen. Pat Toomey (R., Pa.), raised about $312,000 in the first three months of 2015, a relatively small amount for a candidate hoping to win what promises to be an expensive statewide race next year.

Sestak’s campaign has declined in recent days to disclose its fund-raising totals, though a public filing obtained by the Inquirer shows the amounts.

This comes after a poll revealed Sestak, who ran statewide and lost in 2010, is completely unknown by 63 percent of the state’s voting population.

Asked about their crumbling campaign, Sestak’s campaign responded: