McClatchy: Step into war rooms planning Hillary Clinton’s defeat


ARLINGTON, VA. — In a nondescript high-rise in the suburbs of Washington, a group of 20-somethings is waging war on Hillary Clinton.

They’re tracking her every move, analyzing her utterances during decades in public life and updating a library of 1,000 videos dating to the early 1980s.

Even the tiniest bit of information might be used, at a moment’s notice, via Twitter, video or news release, to attack the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination.

“We’re the eyes and ears,” said Francis Brennan, 25, war room director at the conservative political action committee America Rising. “We try to just pump out as many facts as we can. Everything we do is fact-based. It’s not scrutinized or opinion-based. It’s all facts. We have to prove what we are saying. We can’t just say things.”

America Rising isn’t alone in its work on Clinton. She faces a trio of major independent organizations, each armed with different tools but all with the same mission: Defeat her.

Read more at McClatchy.