Here’s The Proof President Hillary Clinton Would Give Foreign Foundation Donors Special Treatment

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In February, Fox News’s John Roberts asked “If [Hillary Clinton] becomes president, will governments that contributed to the Clinton Foundation have a special in at the White House?” Now, The Hill details that a “report in the International Business Times comes as Clinton readies an expected run for president. She’s been dogged by questions about whether foreign donations to her foundations could have influenced her official decisions.”

The Hill article also answers these questions. “Report: Clinton changed stance on trade deal after donations to [Clinton Foundation].”

“The Clinton Foundation reportedly accepted millions of dollars from a Colombian oil company head before then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decided to support a trade deal with Colombia despite worries of human rights violations.”

“The report centers on donations from Frank Giustra and the oil company that he founded, Pacific Rubiales. In a Wall Street Journal story from 2008, Giustra is described as a “friend and traveling companion” of former President Clinton who donated more than $130 million to Clinton’s philanthropies. He’s also a Clinton Foundation board member and has participated in projects and benefits for the foundation.”

Read the full story HERE.