Democrats Don’t Like Florida Dem’s Senate Campaign


Patrick Murphy (D-FL) might be heading for a bruising primary battle if today’s news from the Sunshine State is any guide.

Florida Democrats held a news conference today and laid into Murphy as someone unable to excite grassroots volunteers.

Florida’s Progressive Caucus President, Susan Smith had this to say about Murphy:

“On the kitchen table issues that matter most to everyday Floridians, Patrick Murphy is wrong more often than he is right. Wall Street Democrats may have settled on Patrick Murphy, but progressive Democrats in Florida certainly have not.”

The story goes on to quote a series of other Democrats unhappy at the prospect of Murphy’s candidacy:

Several participants on the call said they wanted a Senate candidate from the Elizabeth Warren wing of the Democratic Party. Warren, a Massachusetts senator, has emerged as hero to liberal Democrats and is outspoken in her criticism of Wall Street.

“Most of the time he doesn’t act like a Democrat at all,” said Ernest Ciarrocchi, recording secretary of the South Shore Democratic Club in the Tampa Bay area. “Patrick Murphy has done everything he can to send a message that he is not one of us.”

The liberals hope Alan Grayson runs. He’s an outspoken liberal member of Congress from Orlando who’s achieved national renown for his verbal bomb throwing. “We’ve seen a real fight in Alan Grayson that we think is needed,” Smith said.