Clintons Tax Woes Continue: Foundation Didn’t Report Millions From Foreign Donors To The IRS

The Clintons have a long history of problems paying their taxes. This morning, Reuters is reporting they also have problems with their Foundation’s taxes.

In the Clintons’ case, their problems involve under-reporting or over-reporting their Foundation’s income by millions of dollars:

For three years in a row beginning in 2010, the Clinton Foundation reported to the IRS that it received zero in funds from foreign and U.S. governments, a dramatic fall-off from the tens of millions of dollars in foreign government contributions reported in preceding years.

Those entries were errors, according to the foundation: several foreign governments continued to give tens of millions of dollars toward the foundation’s work on climate change and economic development through this three-year period. Those governments were identified on the foundation’s annually updated donor list, along with broad indications of how much each had cumulatively given since they began donating.