Brooklyn Democratic Club Refuses To Endorse Brooklyn Democrat

Vinnie Gentile seriously can’t catch a break. In addition to everything else that has plagued his campaign from day one, he failed to get an endorsement from a Brooklyn Democrat club. That’s right folks, a Brooklyn Democrat club has refused to endorse a Brooklyn Democrat. The group endorsed the Green Party candidate instead.

Take a look at their scathing words for Gentile:

“Southern Brooklyn Democrats is proud to endorse James Lane in the CD 11 race. Mr. Lane isn’t a career politician; he’s a member of our community who deeply cares about the interests of the people and representing us. It’s long overdue that this district was represented by someone who is ‘by the people, for the people,’ and not some sleazy criminal or party hack. On Tuesday, May 5th, vote James Lane!”

The Gentile campaign has declined to comment on this absolutely embarrassing development.