Weekly Standard: State Dept. Stonewalls on Releasing Info on McAuliffe Favoritism

“Almost two years ago, Tim Miller, the then executive director of the America Rising PAC, authored a letter to look into possible favoritism from Hillary Clinton’s State Department epartment to longtime Clinton associate Terry McAuliffe. The letter, addressed to the State Department, was acknowledged as having been received, but none of the information requested has ever been handed over.

‘In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 5 U.S.C. § 552, I request copies of all records of physical and or electronic correspondence, memoranda, scheduled meetings and records of phone calls regarding the decision to invite Terrence R. McAuliffe, Charles Wang and Rick Wade, all of whom were executives of GreenTech Automotive, to a State Department Luncheon on or around February 14, 2012, which was hosted by Vice President Biden and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to honor Xi Jinping, then-Vice President, now-President of China,’ Miller, who is now an adviser to Jeb Bush, wrote on July 23, 2013.”

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