The Clintons have a knack for hiring people who don’t like each other. Sunday night, Politico Magazine published a story with the subhead: “Inside the power struggle at Clinton, Inc.”
The story focuses on Eric Braverman. Brought on board in 2013, Braverman was CEO of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation. In December, Braverman was given a salary of $395,000 plus a bonus. By February, he was gone.
“[S]ources tell Politico his exit stemmed partly from a power struggle inside the foundation between and among the coterie of Clinton loyalists who have surrounded the former president for decades and who helped start and run the foundation. Some, including the president’s old Arkansas lawyer Bruce Lindsey, who preceded Braverman as CEO, raised concerns directly to Bill Clinton about the reforms implemented by Braverman, according to sources, and felt themselves marginalized by the growing influence of Chelsea Clinton and the new CEO she had helped recruit.”
That’s right, not only is this a classic Clinton infighting story, but apparently Chelsea is no longer off limits to off-the-record barbs. The story goes on to describing the warring factions within the Foundation:
But sources say Braverman’s modernization efforts were hampered by the occasionally conflicting visions of the three Clintons, and their rival staff factions. Some told Braverman, “You don’t know how this place works,” while others—including Lindsey—second-guessed Braverman to Bill Clinton, according to sources familiar with the situation. They said a repeated refrain from the old guard was that Braverman was in it for his own glory.
But, as one of the many anonymous sources from this story said, “This is the story of their lives.”