Patrick Murphy Announces Senate Bid On ObamaCare Anniversary


Patrick Murphy, a Florida Democrat who has served one term in the House, has decided he’s had enough of the lower chamber and is launching his campaign for Senate on the 5 year anniversary of ObamaCare.

Murphy’s decision to launch on the ObamaCare anniversary—a reminder of his support for the $716 billion in cuts to Medicare—signals the type of agenda Murphy would support in the Senate.

His announcement proved to be the perfect time, however, for fellow Floridian and DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to name drop a bunch of other people she thinks could or should challenge Murphy:

“It remains to be seen who else will step forward. We have wonderful mayors across the state: Bob Buckhorn in Tampa, Buddy Dyer in Orlando, Alvin Brown in Jacksonville. There are many leaders who could step forward.”

As Politico’s Marc Caputo notes, Murphy could also face off with Rep. Alan Grayson, a Wasserman-Schultz ally.