Mitt Romney: It’s Always Something With The Clintons

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Governor Mitt Romney spoke with Yahoo! News’ Katie Couric about the latest Hillary Clinton scandal—her secret private email account she used at the State Department.

As Gov. Romney notes, “It’s always something with the Clintons,” and this latest scandal only serves as a reminder about all the other Clinton scandals from the past.

See below for a transcript:

KATIE COURIC: “If you were in Hillary Clinton’s shoes right now, what would you do about this controversy surrounding her emails?”

MITT ROMNEY: “Well, I think its hard for me to make that assessment because I don’t know what she has hidden, I don’t know what’s on her server at home, I don’t know what she deleted, I don’t know what the messages said, but it’s a mess. What you see here is Clintons behaving badly. I mean we’ve seen this before. Its always something with the Clintons, which is they have rules they describe before they get into something and then they decide they don’t have to follow their own rules and that I think is gonna be a real problem for her. Now, she’ll have difficulty as well, based on her foreign policy errors, but this whole email setting and contributions to the Clinton Foundation from foreign governments, all these things just remind us of the things about the Clintons that were not positive in the past.”