Hillary Clinton’s Hypocrisy Presser Primer

Hillary Clinton is about to hold her first press conference in 231 days. Topics are sure to include her private email account, transparency, and maybe even the Clinton Foundation foreign donors. Here are a few key things to remember before she stands in front of the cameras.

In 2007, Clinton railed against “secret White House email accounts”:

And in 2008, she claimed she wanted “to have a much more transparent government.” 

But she created her private email account the day of her State Department confirmation hearing. That move allowed her to control the access to her emails, and is preventing Freedom of Information Act requests.

And while Clinton has been focusing on women’s rights this week in New York, the Bill, Hillary, & Chelsea Clinton Foundation has been actively accepting foreign donations from nations who suppress women’s rights:

But the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation has accepted tens of millions of dollars in donations from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Algeria and Brunei — all of which the State Department has faulted over their records on sex discrimination and other human-rights issues.

The department’s 2011 human rights report on Saudi Arabia, the last such yearly review prepared during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure, tersely faulted the kingdom for “a lack of equal rights for women and children,” and said violence against women, human trafficking and gender discrimination, among other abuses, were all “common” there.