Clinton Traveled To China Before Her Emails Were Encrypted

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According to a Wall Street Journal story, Hillary Clinton’s State Department “homebrew” server was not encrypting her emails until March 29, 2009.

Clinton assumed office in January of 2009, meaning we don’t know if Clinton’s emails were encrypted for more than two months, potentially leaving it susceptible to hackers.

So what was Clinton working on those first couple months at State?

She was encouraging China, a nation with a brazen history of hacking, to purchase U.S. debt. In fact, Clinton traveled to Beijing to discuss the matter with senior Chinese officials. Reuters reports:

“China has made a ‘wise’ choice by buying United States debt instruments, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday in Beijing, where senior officials from both powers are meeting for two days of talks. In an interview with Chinese television, Clinton also said that at some point China would have to invest more at home.”

All of this, including the risk of her emails being read by foreign governments, was apparently of no concern to Clinton or her staff for months.