Citizens United Files Lawsuit To Obtain Photos/Videos Of Clinton’s Trips

Citizens United is filing another lawsuit against the State Department today, according to National Review Online.

Over the past year, the group has filed several Freedom Of Information Act requests that have gone unfulfilled. The lawsuit is an attempt shake free that information which should be publicly available.

“The requests center around Hillary Clinton’s travels during her time as secretary of state. Citizens United is looking to obtain all official photographs and videos taken during Clinton’s global sojourns — particularly those not released to the public. It also wants copies of memos detailing instructions to foreign hotel staff on how to treat Ms. Clinton, as well as any receipts or bills for goodies the secretary required during her stay.”

Another recent Citizens United lawsuit was successful in getting the State Department to turn over “records on Hillary Clinton’s official travels.” Those documents are scheduled to be released in the coming weeks and months.

Citizens United President David Bossie told NRO the reason behind these requests and lawsuits:

“Were Clinton Foundation donors on these overseas flights, and if so, were photos and videos taken on the trips?” Bossie asked, in a statement provided to NR. “The American people have a right to see the relevant information we’ve asked for in these three FOIA requests. Citizens United is going back to court today to ensure government transparency and hold Hillary Clinton accountable.”