Caught: Anti-Lobbyist Candidate Jason Kander Attends D.C. Fundraiser

Today PoliticMO‘s Eli Yokely reported that anti-lobbyist Jason Kander was spotted in Washington D.C. heading into a fundraiser at the lobby shop Porterfield, Lowenthal,Fettig & Sears.

On March 5 Kander headed into the multi-million dollar lobby firm for his fundraiser there.

Despite his early campaign promise to show lobbyists the door, Kander’s first move is to seek their help, Yokely writes:

“But as he looks to fund his young campaign, it is the lobbyists who he is meeting with early to ask for their fundraising help.”

Talk about called out. In 2008 Kander proudly boasted giving back lobbyist contributions. But it turns out that when D.C. calls, Kander leaves his anti-lobbyist rhetoric on the tarmac back in Missouri.
