Ted Strickland’s #OHsen Campaign All Aboard The Struggle Bus


Ted Strickland, the former Ohio who last won an election in the mid-2000s, is facing headwinds as he seeks the Democrat nomination for Senate.

Thus far, Stickland has had to defend himself against attracks from fellow Democrats calling him a “stale contender” and calls for a “fresh face.” Not only that, but it’s clear Strickland has tacked so far to the left since leaving office that he is no longer in step with Ohio voters.

Another example includes his strong defense of President Obama’s harmful energy policies, saying, “there’s ‘no war on coal’ and that the industry ‘has done pretty well’ under President Obama’s leadership,” according to National Journal.

That position drew a rebuke from the Ohio Coal Association. Instead, Strickland is a proponent of green energy, even starting a consulting firm that promotes green energy policies.

But coal wasn’t the only industry that hit Strickland since he indicated he might run for Senate. Buckeye Firearms pointed out this week that Strickland ran the Center for American Progress—an anti-gun rights lobbying group.

Better luck next week, Teddy!