Surprise… Clinton Foundation Received More Than $81 Million From Individuals Linked To Shady British Bank

A new report found that the Clinton Foundation has received more than $81 million from clients of HSBC – the controversial British bank recently accused of helping “hide millions of dollars for drug traffickers, arms dealers and celebrities as it assisted wealthy people around the world dodge taxes.”

One individual mentioned in the HSBC files was Canadian mining magnate Frank Giustra, who has given upwards of $50 million (!) to the Clinton Foundation. Giustra will be speaking at today’s Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) meeting and was important enough to have his photo placed next to Chelsea and Bill Clinton’s on CGI’s website. Another Clinton pal, convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein also kept millions of dollars in the bank’s Geneva-based branch.

Asked to comment on the questionable funding sources, “A spokesperson for Hillary Clinton declined to comment about her family foundation’s receipt of money from donors with accounts in Geneva.”

Classic Hiding Hillary.