New Clinton Org Chart Just Released!


The hiring of Jennifer Palmieri last week is yet another signal that the Clinton campaign-in-hiding plans to be an Obama 3rd term. Palmieri was most recently President Obama’s White House communications director.

But it also marks an important addition to the Clinton internal approval process. Palmieri will be running “no comments” by an infighting-in-waiting list that includes Robby Mook, John Podesta, Cheryl Mills, and of course, Bill Clinton in the byzantine org chart that is the fledgling Clinton campaign.

To simplify things, America Rising created the chart above with an example question—should we comment (h/t RNC)? While the seemingly simple question gets passed around the absurdly complicated labyrinth of aides, you’ll notice there’s a veto lane for Bill Clinton to blow things up and send the process back to “Start” because why not?