Warren Takes Shots At Clintons In Key AFL-CIO Speech

In some her strongest language yet, liberal icon Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) slammed economic policies embraced over the years by both Bill and Hillary Clinton in remarks today before an AFL-CIO conference.

Warren took aim at Bill Clinton’s famous 1996 declaration that the era of “big government” was over, and slammed “some Democrats” for backing “trickle-down economics” and Wall Street deregulation.

Later, Warren declared Washington politicians over the past 30 years (including the 8 years of the Clinton presidency) have placed the interests of the wealthy above those of the middle class.

UPDATE: In a panel after Warren’s speech, Clinton ally and her 2008 campaign policy director Neera Tanden was asked to respond to Warren, noting that the Senator said Democrats (like the Clintons) were culpable as well. Tanden responded that Warren was “absolutely right.”