PA Attorney General Facing Criminal Charges For Botched “House Of Cards”-esque Ploy



Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane is kicking off 2015 in style! The end of 2014 saw her fellow Democrats mocking Kane for being terrible at her job—“asleep at the switch,” to be exact.

Picking up where she left off, Kane is now possibly facing criminal charges because she leaked confidential information to a newspaper to punish her political enemies.

The special prosecutor and grand jury investigating allegations that Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane leaked secret information to a newspaper have found evidence of wrongdoing and recommended that she be criminally charged, according to numerous people familiar with the decision.

The panel concluded that Kane violated grand-jury secrecy rules by leaking investigative material in a bid to embarrass political enemies, sources said.

Some of those familiar with the grand jury presentment say it recommended charges that included perjury and contempt of court.

Nice try going all “House of Cards” in Harrisburg, Kane. Unfortunately, it turns out you’re just criminally bad at your job.