OOPS! Clinton’s Big $$$ UConn Speech Results In State Dems Trying To Change Law To Save Face

The Associated Press is reporting that the controversial, quarter of a million dollars speaking fee that Hillary Clinton received from UCONN as the university was raising tuition on students has prompted state lawmakers, led by a Democrat, to consider changing the state’s open records law in order to compel the university foundation to release records regarding its decision making.

State lawmakers may take another look at the University of Connecticut Foundation’s exemption from the state Freedom of Information Act.

The Journal Inquirer reports that state Rep. Roberta B. Willis, co-chairwoman of the legislature’s Higher Education and Employment Committee, said more needs to be known about the foundation’s finances. It’s the fundraising organization of the state’s flagship university.

The foundation drew questions over a large increase in its contribution to UConn President Susan Herbst’s salary and a speaking fee to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Since leaving her post as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has given 8 paid speeches to higher education institutions, netting over $2 million while many were raising tuition rates on students.