Hillary Clinton Breaks Legendary Silence To Tweet About… What?

Hillary Clinton, America’s favorite social media maven, just tweeted the following:

While the media spends the next 2 weeks parsing every word of this tweet (that hilariously comes from someone who demands crudité and specific pillow placements at speaking engagements—so in touch with middle class families!), it’s important to point out everything that Hillary took a pass on in the past month:

• Mary Landrieu’s resounding loss following several Clinton private jet flights to Louisiana on Landrieu’s behalf

• The Cromnibus legislation debated on Capitol Hill to keep the government open

• The North Koreans hacking Sony and dictating which movies Americans can and cannot see

• Another 2,000 found dead at the hands of Boko Haram

• The terrorist attack in Paris on behalf of radical Islam

Still waiting to hear Clinton’s hot takes on these and many other issues…