DC Dems Courting Deeply Unpopular Former Rep For His Old Seat


DC Democrats are eager for 2014 loser Brad Schneider to run for his old seat in Illinois’ 10th district. According to Roll Call, Schneider is being urged on by the likes of Steve Israel and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, among others.

Amazingly, these Democrats point to Schneider’s lousy 70 percent job approval rating among Democrats as a reason he should run again. Not only is that number far lower than it should have been for an incumbent, but let’s not forget the reason Schneider lost—he lost the middle.

In June of last year, Harper Polling noted Schneider’s vulnerabilities:

“[J]ust 28% say they approve. With 28% disapproval and 44% unsure of his job performance Schneider has not closed the sale with voters during his first term in Congress.”

Compare Schneider’s 70 percent job approval with the President, who in October of 2014 was in one of the most vulnerable periods of his presidency. Even then Obama had an 83 percent job approval rating among Democrats.

If the Democrats think Schneider will be their white knight in 2016, they have another thing coming.