$1.5M Spent On Clintons’ Travel To Help Democrats Lose 2014 Midterms

Politico is reporting this morning that travel expenses for Bill and Hillary Clinton during the 2014 midterms topped $1.5 million. Those expenses include private jet travel for the Clintons, as they refuse to fly commercial, along with their “security coterie and aides” according to Politico.

Nearly every candidate that the Clintons campaigned for lost his or her race this fall. Each campaign forked over thousands to bring the Clintons in and meet their list of required amenities.

Politico reports:

The tally includes a plane in Iowa the final weekend of the campaign for $44,360. That was when Bill Clinton did a fly around for failed Democratic Senate hopeful Bruce Braley. There was also a $21,801 charge that weekend to outgoing Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu’s campaign, a POLITICO review found.

More than 60 payments were made to a New York-based company called Executive Fliteways over the course of 2013 and 2014, a review of FEC records, campaign filings and state parties found.

Buzzfeed reported shortly after the midterms that the travel costs were already at almost $700,000 based on records available at that point. The vast bulk of that travel at the time represented planes for former President Bill Clinton.

But another $817,048 has appeared in filings since the election. Those records cover the period when Hillary Clinton was most active.