Today during House Democrat elections, Gwen Graham voted for Nancy Pelosi to stay on as Minority Leader. In fact, according to the Washington Post, “House Democrats unanimously reelected Nancy Pelosi as minority leader Tuesday morning.”
That makes Gwen Graham a liar. Last month, she told FL-02 voters she would not vote for Pelosi. Here’s what Graham told Politico:
“No, I would not,” Graham said without skipping a beat, when asked if she would vote for Pelosi (D-Calif.). “And this is why. I believe we need to have new leadership on both sides of the aisle. The leadership that we have today has become so polarizing and so politicized that I’m not blaming either of them, it’s just the reality. So we need new leadership that Democrats and Republicans feel comfortable working with so we can start getting things done for our country again.”
Guess it didn’t take long for Graham to go Washington and forget the “North Florida Way.”