NM House Dems Elect Leader Who Called Governor Martinez “The Mexican”


It appears New Mexico Democrats are continuing their tradition of supporting questionable “leaders.” On Saturday, the state House Democrats elected Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton as their whip.

Stapleton is known for making a derogatory and highly inappropriate remark against America’s first Hispanic female governor, referring to Governor Susana Martinez as “The Mexican on the Fourth Floor.”

Choosing Stapleton should come as no surprise if you look back on recent actions by New Mexico Democrats:

– Six months ago, a Democrat gubernatorial candidate said he wanted to send Governor Martinez “back to wherever she really came from.”

– Three months ago, the chosen Democrat to run for governor said, “Susana Martinez does not have a Latino heart.”

In a state where the population is over 47% Hispanic, it’s a wonder that New Mexico Democrats keep choosing party leaders who use this type of rhetoric.