Behold The Wreckage of Hillary’s Midterm Drubbing

Last night, despite Hillary Clinton being touted as a top surrogate, the candidates she backed got routed, along with the Obama-Clinton-Reid policies they backed. Clinton’s policies and brand are becoming indistinguishable from the President in whose cabinet she served. Heading into 2016, Clinton looks like a candidate from the past who already lost the presidency once, and is running into political headwinds.

Just take a look at how the candidates with whom she campaigned fared:

  • She was touted as a savior for Kentucky Senate Candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes. She LOST by double digits.
    • *NOTE: Grimes paid $17,000 to fly Hillary to Kentucky to campaign for her. 
  • She campaigned down the stretch for IA Senate Candidate Bruce Braley. He LOST by 8 points in a state Obama won twice
    • *NOTE: Iowa Democrats paid $50,000 to fly Hillary to campaign for him. 
  • The Clinton brand was said to be gold in Arkansas. She and Bill campaigned for AR Senator Mark Pryor extensively. He LOST by SEVENTEEN POINTS. 


  • GA Senate Candidate Michelle Nunn: LOST
  • CO Senator Mark Udall: LOST
  • NC Senator Kay Hagan: LOST
  • MA Gov Candidate Martha Coakley: LOST
  • FL Gov Candidate Charlie Crist: LOST
  • IL Gov Pat Quinn: LOST
  • MD Gov Candidate Anthony Brown: LOST
  • MI Gov Candidate Mark Schauer: LOST
  • ME Gov Candidate Mike Michaud: LOST
  • NY-01 Rep. Tim Bishop: LOST
  • NY-24 Rep. Dan Maffei: LOST
  • NJ-03 Aimee Belgard: LOST
  • NY-19 Sean Eldridge: LOST by 30 points
  • CO-06 Andrew Romanoff: LOST
  • NY-23 Martha Robertson: LOST
  • FL-26 Rep. Joe Garcia: LOST
  • NH-01 Rep. Carol Shea-Porter: LOST
  • IA-03 Staci Appel: LOST