Earlier this week, the Clinton Foundation released its IRS Form 990 for 2013, which details questionable spending practices, including $8.4 million in travel spending, that could benefit an upcoming Presidential campaign.
“The Clinton Foundation has raised hundreds of millions that it claims is for charitable causes, but clearly overlaps with Hillary Clinton’s political ambitions. The Foundation must be transparent in all spending so voters can see how it used charitable funds to subsidize expensive air travel, a lavish personal lifestyle, the courting of political donors, or other campaign related travel,” said America Rising PAC Executive Director Tim Miller.
“With 10 percent of the Clinton Foundation’s spending going toward ‘travel,’ and the Foundation’s acknowledgement that it approves chartered private jet flights for Bill and Hillary Clinton, it’s past time for the self-described ‘most transparent person in public life’ to provide a detailed accounting of how her family foundation spends the money it raises,” he added.
Check out this Politico [link] story for more details and see below for the America Rising press release that calls on the Clinton Foundation to release records on its questionable spending practices: