These Two New Yorkers Love To Tamper With Investigations

Last week, we learned that top allies to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, including her Chief of Staff, were interfering, and as Time’s Zeke Miller put it, “strong-arming” investigations by the State Department’s Inspector General. In one case, aides halted a probe into an Ambassador and big-time Democrat donor who stood accused of soliciting underage prostitutes.

So it’s fitting today that Clinton will be campaigning for a fellow New Yorker whose building quite the reputation for tampering with supposedly independent investigations.

In July, Cuomo came under fire when The New York Times reported on how his top aides repeatedly quashed subpoenas of his own ethics commission after it began investigating some of his top donors. Cuomo’s administration even had to concede it tried to cover up its actions by denying legitimate records requests.

More recently, it’s been reported that Cuomo was forced to deny his administration was meddling with the actions of the state’s new elections officer.

So it’ll be all smiles and no subpoenas this morning as these kindred spirits, who will go to incredible lengths to sweep wrongdoing under the rug, hit the stump together.