Top 6 Things To Know About Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)


Jeanne Shaheen is running for her second term in the U.S. Senate.

1. Shaheen Is NOT Independent Or Moderate – She’s A Reliable Vote For Obama

Since 2009, Shaheen has voted at least 95 percent of the time with Obama’s agenda, including 99 percent in 2013 and 2012, 98 percent in 2011, and 100 percent of the time in 2010!


While running from Obama she’s also claimed he can’t campaign for her because he’s too busy. Riiiiiight.

Barack Obama

2. Shaheen Repeatedly Lied To New Hampshire Voters, Telling Them They Could Keep Their Insurance If They Liked It Under ObamaCare

Shaheen repeated PolitiFact’s 2013 lie of the year, promising New Hampshire voters they would be able to keep their health insurance plan under ObamaCare if they liked it.

3. Shaheen Wanted To Delay ObamaCare’s Enrollment Deadline Despite Touting How The Health Insurance Exchange Would Be “Successful”

Shaheen actually bragged in 2010 about how New Hampshire would get $1 million from the Department of Health and Human Services to set up a “successful” health insurance exchange. In October 2013, Shaheen was calling for a delay in the enrollment deadline due to the ObamaCare website’s difficulties.

4. Shaheen Continued Her Tax-Loving Ways From Her Days As Governor When She Got To The U.S. Senate

Shaheen is no stranger to loving taxes -besides consistently voting to raise federal taxes as a U.S. senator, Shaheen was governor when she proposed a statewide sales tax and signed a property tax into law, New Hampshire’s first statewide tax.

5. Shaheen Claimed She Skipped A Key ISIS Hearing Because She Was Too Busy


6. Shaheen’s Ethical Problems

Jeanne Shaheen and her husband have had 21 liens placed against properties they owned, totaling up to $7.9 million in assets. The property empire has been accumulated during Shaheen’s time as Senator and Governor.


Shaheen also co-ran ‘Bill & Bobs – A Sterling Example’ “that once sold thousands of dollars-worth of stolen jewelry.”

Finally, the Shaheens refuse to answer questions about benefiting from the Stimulus.