Bruce Braley Is Too Elitist For Iowa


Bruce Braley is running for the Senate seat vacated by Tom Harkin (D-IA).

1. Braley Fights For Trial Lawyers, Not For Iowans

While Bruce Braley insists on the campaign trail that he fights for farmers and shares Iowa’s values, his record is anything but “Iowa Nice.”

In January 2014, Braley told lawyers at a Texas fundraiser that he would represent “their voice” if elected to the Senate and selected as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee over ranking-member and fellow Iowan, Chuck Grassley. He went on to dismiss Grassley as “a farmer from Iowa who never went to law school,” and even claimed that he (a trial lawyer!) is a farmer himself. He also said being a trial lawyer is “no different” than farm work and defended saying a farmer can’t lead the judiciary committee.

Bottom line: in Washington, Braley backs trial lawyers’ interests. He once gave an impassioned two and half minute speech on the House floor fighting against tort reform, which is why trial lawyers are funding his campaign more than anyone else’s in 2014 with more than $1.1 million. With Braley one thing is clear: he’s fighting for trial lawyers, not Iowans.

2. Bruce Braley Is Too Liberal For Iowa

Nancy Pelosi counted on Braley as a part of her “Go-To Gang” to whip votes to pass ObamaCare. Five years later, while Iowans watch their insurance premiums rise, Braley touts his vote for ObamaCare as “one of the proudest votes I’ve ever taken.”

When it comes to runaway spending in Washington, Braley is part of the problem. In 2014 Braley voted for a budget amendment that would cost Americans $1.25 trillion in raised taxes.

See 6 reasons why he’s too liberal for Iowa.

3. In 8 years in Congress, Braley has only managed to get one bill passed.

Despite Braley’s eight years served in the U.S. House of Representatives, he only authored one bill.”

4. Bruce Braley’s Own Neighbor Won’t Even Vote For Him

He threatened to sue his neighbor after her therapeutic chickens crossed onto his lawn, instead of talking with her about the problem. He then complained about being made out as the bad guy in the situation. Now his life-long Democrat neighbor is voting for Braley’s Republican opponent.


5. Braley Put Fundraising Before Veterans

He skipped his veterans committee hearing to attend three D.C. fundraisers and then lied about it.

bruce-braley Veterans Fundraiser2