Sam Nunn’s Tall Tale

Michelle Nunn’s campaign is sinking, so Sam Nunn is fabricating tall tales to try and keep her viable in the Senate race. Yesterday, the elder Nunn told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that Harry Reid told Michelle not to run for the Senate, but she “rejected the advice to withdraw.” Sam Nunn seems to forget that Michelle talked to Reid the day before she announced for the Senate and he called her “really good.”

REID: And we have some good things going on around in the country. We’re not going to go down easy. We’re going to stay up. I talked to Michelle Nunn today, and I think there will be an important announcement out of Georgia tomorrow. That’s Sam Nunn’s daughter, she’s really good.

Oops! Guess Sam Nunn forgot Harry Reid was actually a big Michelle Nunn supporter from the start. Georgia can be sure that if Michelle Nunn gets elected to the Senate, she will undeniably fall in line and vote for Harry Reid as Majority Leader.