Yesterday, Ben White spoke to Michelle Nunn about her support of President Obama. Asked if she regretted her 2008 and 2012 votes for Obama, Nunn “grimaced” and “talked her way around the question”:
“I am running as a Democratic Senatorial candidate and I’ve said that I voted for President Obama in ’08 and ’12. And as we look forward to where we need to go from here I believe what we need is people who will be willing to respect the office of the Presidency whether it’s a Republican that sits there or a Democrat that sits there.”
That’s a change in tone from last week, when Nunn said:
“I did vote for the president. I have said throughout the campaign that we need more people in Washington working with the president – Republican or Democrat – to get things done. I pledge to do that on behalf of Georgians.”
It appears the Nunn communications machine was a little uncomfortable with her being honest and saying she would work with the President to advance his liberal agenda, which Georgia voters oppose.