10 Democrats Who Still Think Obamacare Is Great

Obamacare exchanges have been open for a full year, and a lot of Democrats don’t mind that millions of Americans have lost their health insurance because of the law, or that many others have seen the price of health insurance skyrocket.

1) North Carolina Senator Kay Hagan was asked earlier this year if she would run on Obamacare. She replied by saying she wanted to show that Obamacare is “something whose time has come.”


2) Colorado Senator Mark Udall said he’d vote for Obamacare again if he could! He’s not the only one.


3) Alaska Senator Mark Begich also indicated he would vote for Obamacare again.

not again

4) Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor too!


5) And Michigan Senate candidate Gary Peters!


6) Iowa Senate candidate Bruce Braley said voting for Obamacare was “one of the proudest votes I’ve ever taken.”

7) New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen loves Obamacare and is NOT going to let constituents whose premiums have gone up get in the way of that!


When Shaheen was confronted by a constituent in August about how she promised insurance rates would decrease under Obamacare, Shaheen snapped back, “They have for some people.”


8) Some haven’t had the pleasure of voting for Obamacare, but are big fans! Colorado congressional candidate Andrew Romanoff said he would have voted for Obamacare.


9) New York congressional candidate Sean Eldridge would also have voted for Obamacare.


10) Kentucky Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes will become more outspoken in support of Obamacare.

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BONUS! Hillary Clinton, the mother of Obamacare, will step on the gas when it comes to implementing Obamacare, if she becomes president.

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