Mary Landrieu finally released the results of the internal investigation of her taxpayer-funded private charter flights to campaign events – something that’s against federal campaign finance law – last Friday in a news dump before the weekend. The results came in the wake of more revelations of improper charter flights.
Landrieu called for the investigation after it was pointed out that she had billed taxpayers for at least four (1,2, 3 & 4) private charter flights to campaign functions. The investigation (which leaves one to doubt its thoroughness) determined that what Landrieu had originally called a “mistake” has happened repeatedly and habitually throughout the last 12 years with Landrieu improperly charging taxpayers $33,700 – more than ten percent of her travel expenses – in private charter flights to campaign events.
That doesn’t seem like a mistake. That seems like sloppy stewardship of public money and a Senator who is out of touch with people who have to pay attention to their money. It’s hard for a Senator to be in touch with regular Louisianans though when you fly private so much and don’t live in your state.