Mass. Newspapers Opposing 9-Term Dem. Incumbent

Massachusetts’ 6th Congressional District is done with nine-term Congressman John Tierney. Or, at least, that’s the word from the local editorial boards.

This morning, both the Boston Globe and The Lowell Sun agreed: anyone but Tierney.

In the Globe’s editorial, they note a vote for Tierney is a vote for business as usual in Congress:

Still, there is something problematic about Tierney’s full-throated partisan stances and his staunch defense of Congress’s business as usual. Returning him to Washington would do little to change a system that is widely seen as gridlocked and broken.

The Lowell Sun editorial board agrees, noting Tierney’s rivals calling him “part of Washington’s problem.” Pretty harsh rebuke, but is it really any surprise for someone who’s been in Washington for 18 years with not much to show for it? This is the guy who couldn’t answer if his constituents were any better off than they were 2 years ago.